The issues is that your script output is not formatted properly in a way SAM's Linux/Unix Script Monitor can understand it. First all scripts must exit with an error level that denotes the status of the component monitor
Scripts Must Report Status Through Exit Codes
Scripts must report their status by exiting with the appropriate exit code:
Second. The script must return at least a single statistic and optional message via stdout in the following format.
Statistic.Name1: x
Message.Name1: abc
Statistic.Name2: y
Message.Name2: abc
Statistic.Name1: 123 Statistic.Name2: 456 | ||
An error or information message to be displayed in the monitor status details. Note: Multi-line messages are supported. To use this functionality print each line using a separate command. For example: Message.Name2: def |
Below is an example of what this should look like: