Howdy! My name is Edwin and I'm new to Web HelpDesk. So far, I'm digging the shallow learning curve and the overall system. As a complete noob, I'm taking a hard look to all the features. Currently, our old ticket system is a mess and our users have "learned" to ignore most of the clutter. For the new system, I want the users to see a clean interface with minimal input of critical information. So far, i'm doing nicely... with one exception: ASSETS.
At this point, in order to use the Asset feature correctly, I would have to dig our databases for the information and import it to Web HelpDesk. I would like to do that at some point, but the priority is to roll out the ticketing system and add other functionality later (in couple of months).
When a Client is creating a Ticket, they see the "SELECT ASSET" section on the bottom (see attached jpg). I want to remove this. I went to the Admin console to Setup> Assets> Options and unchecked the "Use Assets". This removed the visibility of all other menus under Assets (which is fine)... but I still see it on the Ticket. I would like to know
- How do I remove the option from appearing on the Tickets?
- If there a way to keep the Asset on the Admin Console while still not showing on the Tickets?
Thanks for your help!