Good Day
I have been experiencing several problems with my Orion Install. It has been running for about 2 years now with a lot of customization etc.
1st is that it seems like my Database is very fragmented, I have configured the auto re-indexing etc as per the Solarwinds Knowledge base but I receive errors every morning.
5/5/2014 4:00:05 AM | ERROR: Failed to Reindex "IX_DateTime" on Object "DF_AlertLog_MsgDateTime" in Database "SolarWindsOrion" |
5/5/2014 4:00:05 AM | ERROR: Failed to Reindex "PK_CiscoBuffers_Detail" on Object "DF_AlertLog_MsgDateTime" in Database "SolarWindsOrion" |
5/5/2014 4:00:05 AM | ERROR: Failed to Reindex "IX_APM_SqlBbQuery_AppID_QueryHash" on Object "DF_AlertLog_MsgDateTime" in Database "SolarWindsOrion" |
5/5/2014 4:00:05 AM | ERROR: Failed to Reindex "IX_VIM_HostStatistics_Detail_DateTime" on Object "DF_AlertLog_MsgDateTime" in Database "SolarWindsOrion" |
5/5/2014 4:00:05 AM | ERROR: Failed to Reindex "PK_VIM_HostStatistics_Detail" on Object "DF_AlertLog_MsgDateTime" in Database "SolarWindsOrion" |
Top 10 Clustered Indexes by Fragmentation
NetFlowSearchByPort | IX_NetFlowSearchByPort | 98.5% |
NetFlowEndpoints | PK_NetFlowEndpoints | 96.0% |
NodeL2Connections | IX_NodeL2Connections_NodeID | 89.8% |
APM_ApplicationTemplate | PK_APM_ApplicationTemplate | 80.0% |
NodePortInterfaceMap | IX_NodePortInterfaceMap_NodeID | 76.1% |
APM_HardwareCategoryStatus | PK_APM_HardwareCategoryStatus | 72.9% |
MapStudioFiles | PK_MapMakerFiles | 72.1% |
NodeL3Entries | IX_NodeL3Entries_NodeID | 62.7% |
InterfaceErrors_Detail | PK_InterfaceErrors_Detail | 62.2% |
NetFlowAutonomousSystems | PK_NetFlowAutonomousSystems | 62.1% |
Top 10 Nonclustered Indexes by Fragmentation
NetFlowFastBitStringHeap | IX_NetFlowFastBitStringHeap | 91.7% |
AssetInventory_Software | IX_AssetInventory_Software | 87.8% |
CPUMultiLoad_Detail | IX_CPUMultiLoad_Detail_CPUIndex | 78.3% |
IPAM_IPHistory | IX_IPAM_IPNodeId | 75.5% |
Events | IX_NetObjectID | 71.3% |
IPAM_IPHistory | IX_IPAM_IPAddressN | 68.4% |
CPUMultiLoad_Detail | IX_CPUMultiLoad_Detail_TimeStampUTC | 52.3% |
APM_ApplicationStatus_Detail | IX_APM_ApplicationStatus_Detail_TimeStamp | 48.9% |
CPULoad_Detail | IX_DateTime | 47.7% |
CustomPollerStatistics_Detail | IX_DateTime | 46.3% |
Second issue is, every 3 or 4 days I receive a warning that SAM Maintenance is overdue. I then have to manually run the Database Maintenance on the Orion server to get rid of the message.
So it got me thinking the other day, our DB Administrators runs a DB Shrink every day, could it be possible the due to the DB Shrink Database Maintenance is failing for SAM and also re-indexing issues?