I am trying to deploy a Third-Party Exe installer to every desktop, regardless if the previous version is installed or not. (It's McAfee Agent 4.8 if it matters.)
Overview of my current setup:
Prereq: when either ProcArch=x86 or ProcArch=x64
Command Line Install
I have the content on my network: download URL: \\Server\Package.exe
Yes, Use the Package Boot Helper
----Triggers client to server update after install
Include additional files with the package: packageboot.xml and packageboot.exe
Applicability Rules: when either ProcArch=x86 or ProcArch=x64
Installed Rules: when either ProcArch=x86 or ProcArch=x64
Any suggestions based on this information? Or is there a tutorial on how to create a third-party package that's deployed even if the software hasn't installed yet?
I've tried using the Update Management wizard to force the update even if it's already installed, and that has not worked yet either.