Are you running databases on VMware? If so, you've seen the Virtual Vandal… or maybe not! The Virtual Vandal hides the critical server resource metrics a DBA needs to solve database performance problems. VMware tools do not cover the database layer, and conventional database tools cannot capture meaningful resource information from virtual servers.
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer VM Option for VMware Database Performance (formerly Confio Ignite) helps YOU expose the virtual vandals
Database Performance Analyzer VM Option removes the availability and performance uncertainty that comes with shifting critical databases from physical servers to VMware. Database Performance Analyzer VM Option gives DBAs the ability to correlate resource metrics on both the physical and virtual machine with database response time. It is easy to quickly see a direct correlation between SQL performance, physical resources, storage, and the virtual machine.
Download free 14-day Database Performance Analyzer VM Option trial and restore accurate performance visibility when databases are running on VMware.