Hi all,
Believe work is being done on providing additional reports for unmanaged nodes and applications which I was able to search for work around to use SQL scripts o provide reports for unmanaged nodes.
However have attempted to use the script provided for Application but this failed. Have then provided this to out developers but they struck out as well.
So if anyone has a good knowledge of the SAM database, can you please assist in the provision of a report to show Applications that are currently in an unmanaged state, node details, from and until.
Thanks for any assistance.
Original script found after searching:
SAM - Application Summary - Displays all unmanaged nodes for our Application Operations department (Custom Property).
SELECT nod.SysName as Name, nod.IP_Address as IP, nod.UnManageFrom as UnManageFrom, nod.UnManageUntil as UnManageUntil
- Orion.Nodes as nod JOIN
- Orion.NodesCustomProperties as ncp on nod.NodeID = ncp.NodeID
UnManaged = 'True' AND ncp.department = 'Application Operations'
Order By UnmanageUntil
Reply from local developers:
I am not sure about the Table Name for “Application” and Department
I couldn’t see the table “NodesCustomProperties” in the DB.
Instead it has got APM_Application but it doesn’t have Department.