in Universal Device Poller application you may configure label for column...
- During creating UnDP in step "Label the Rows in Your table"
- Or right click on already created poller and select "Label".
1. Try "interface names for Orion", it worked for me for vmVlan (
2. There is also second option "use labels for table column", but it has limitation only to take labels from table from where OID is polled.
3. Third option "use a custom label" can add custom static text.
There is also another option how to assign label.
- Create new UnDP for example to ifSpeed (
- Set the same polling interval as vmVlan poller. Keep historical data - no.
- Assign it to the same nodes as vmVlan poller.
- "use labels for table column" - select ifDescr
- Select Yes to shown on Orion web - Check in Table column - Node Details - Sumrary row - for example.
When you will have new table with correct interface names click Edit in "Node Tabular Universal Device Poller" with vmVlan.
- Scroll down and in section "Select the poller from which labels are taken" select ifSpeed poller.
- Select Submit.