We are having a problem with some tickets not able to see some tickets in the group list but do show up when they are searched for.
This has happened randomly about 15 times. For example, I'll have a tech create a ticket. They will then click on Group list, sort by date added, and the ticket will not be visible. I can see the ticket in the group list from my machine, so I'll have them do a search for it. When they search, they find the ticket in question.
All techs are in all the same support groups and location groups. I have made sure that the request type is supported by the support group type.
Do I have a setting wonky? It's quite weird because it doesn't happen every time. Sometimes, even creating a ticket of the same request type will show when a nearly identical one before that did not. Maybe it has to do with the client, but I think that the only control there is with location group, which my techs cover (all groups).