Using the unmanaged function for this is not complicated at all and has the benefit of a view you can place multiple places but will still update anytime an unmanage date is updated from any interface details page. For example if an outage is postponed or resolved earlier and the interface re-managed - the view below will reflect that.
I modified an existing custom query I used for unmanaged nodes and was able to just paste in interfaces table. Try this: Add a custom query resource to any page then cut/paste this SWQL into it - if you are on older then NPM 10.7 you might have to remove the tolocal() function as it was added in SWQL v1.8.
--begin code
i.caption as Interface
, '/Orion/Interfaces/InterfaceDetails.aspx?NetObject=I%3a' + ToString(i.interfaceid) AS [_LinkFor_Interface]
, '/NetPerfMon/images/small-' + i.StatusIcon AS [_IconFor_Interface]
, unmanaged, tolocal(UnManageFrom) as Unmanage
, daydiff(getutcdate(), UnManagefrom)as [Days till Unmanage]
, tolocal(UnManageUntil) as Remanage
, daydiff(getutcdate(), UnManageuntil)as [Days until Remanage]
FROM Orion.NPM.Interfaces i
unmanaged = 'true' and
(minutediff(getutcdate(), UnManagefrom) > -10080)
minutediff(getutcdate(), UnManagefrom) >0
and minutediff(getutcdate(), UnManagefrom) <10080
order by unmanagefrom
--end code
Now you could do the same thing with custom properties to track planned outages while not unmanaging the interfaces - check that out here: