Re: Submit ticket as another user
Sorry, I thought the video was easy enough to find as its the only video on the Web Help Desk site......Help Desk Software by Web Help Desk It shows someone putting in a ticket that looks like its...
View ArticleRe: Appinsight SQL
Removing the threshold entirely will ensure the metric is never in a warning or critical state. This is the recommended approach if you do not care about a particular metric. This can be set at both...
View ArticleRe: Monitoring HP Proliant hardware running Windows & vSphere
designerfx is correct. The KB article below outlines the necessary software provided by your vendor for Hardware Health information to be available for monitoring in SAM. SolarWinds Knowledge Base ::...
View ArticleRe: Knowledgebase: How to create a non-administrator user for SAM polling.
You are correct. This seems to be a subtle misinterpretation of the instructions. Only an administrative user can grant or deny permissions to a non-administrative account. As such, you would need to...
View ArticleRe: Submit ticket as another user
Yes, techs can do this on the client info tab. So for non techs, you go to setup --> clients --> client admin. set up which types of tickets they can manage then go to the clients tab find the...
View ArticleRe: Script monitors no longer work after upgrade
Looking through the notes for case #617859 it sounds like your issue was related to application custom properties, and was resolved by support. Is that correct?
View ArticleRe: resetting Component Status
It appears the "Count Statistic as Difference" is not set properly in this template. Check the box circled below. This should reset the alert condition.
View ArticleDownload config error: invalid parameter
Hi all, I'm a new user and I try to Download config of a TP-Link switch in NCM. When I edit Node the connection profile send me an OK value as show above On the server I create a Script as said in...
View ArticleRe: WHD not processing tickets
Not sure if your clients your the client interface or email them in. We use email and have seen sometimes where it doesn't recognize the client as existing and creates multiple clients with the same...
View ArticleRe: Hide Setup or disable edit of Tech Account by Tech?
I don't know of a way to do this. Even with Tech Permissions set to nothing, the tech can still see their account and modify their email, password (if not LDAP), email notification settings, etc. If...
View ArticleRe: Is there a way to print ticket details and show custom field check boxes?
Weird, I didn't realize those didn't display in print view either. That seems like either a bug or a feature request- not sure. In the meantime, it is less elegant, but you could modify your "Column...
View ArticleRe: Is it possible to create a Ticket Custom Field (Single Choice) to be a...
You could do this through an "Action Rule" by modifying the ticket. So, if you have this custom field for all Request Types, you could just set it at ticket creation to modify the ticket and select...
View ArticleRe: Formatting FAQ Text
WHD does not support all HTML coding as we may like it to. It supports 'BBCode' and this is the example of what you can do in notes or FAQs:Notes can be formatted with HTML or BBCode. URLS and E-mail...
View ArticleRe: Is there a way to normalize phone numbers?
I have not been able to find a way to force settings in those fields, only whether they are required/editable or not. However, I have done some mass cleanup of Client information in the past by...
View ArticleForce Rescan...
I notice nearly every service or host when you add it has the option "Force Rescan" and by the default this is set to "OFF" Can I ask what does this option do, and what's the impact of it being...
View ArticleEnGenius ENH200
Dear, Please help how do i take the backup of ENH200 configuration file in Orion NCM and also how do i modify this Access Point in NCM by execute script ?I have have added this device in Orion NCM...
View ArticleRe: Solarwinds Authentication with Common DoD Smart card and Common Access...
You'll have to install the cac reader or connecting to your home machine, get ActivClient installed which is a program that enables communication between the CAC card and the reader. The last thing is...
View ArticleRe: Alert on Active Directory account lockout
I know this is kind of old, but I'm trying to figure out how this template works. I've configured the script but I'm not sure how you actually tie it to the AD account? For other monitors you use,...
View ArticleRe: FEATURE REQUEST - Time Settings for Transactions
do you use the same credentials (Administrator) to manually unmanage the trasaction on Solarwinds GUI? I am not be completely correct but give it a try by changing the same to Solarwinds crendential....
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